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Three kangaroos in a field

The Ridge BBQ

The Ridge BBQ Experience

Ideally, you’ll be lounging here on our ridge soon, cold drink in hand, watching the sun dip below the horizon. And perfectly matched to this view will be the smell of sizzling BBQ. This isn’t just any old cookout – it’s the Ridge BBQ, where we’ve turned your outdoor cooking into an art form.

Let’s talk about the star of the show – our monster-sized dry aged tomahawk steak. This bad boy is the stuff of meat lovers’ dreams. Locally sourced and aged to perfection, it’s got a flavour that’ll knock your socks off. And because we know variety is the spice of life, our friendly neighbour, Hollis the Butcher from Main St Butcher, throws in a mix of seasonal cuts too. Trust me, your taste buds will thank you.

But hey, we’re not just about the meat. We’ve got all the fixings to make your meal complete. Fresh-baked artisan bread that’s perfect for mopping up those tasty meat juices.

A tomahawke steak sizzling on a BBQ with pepper being bracked on top

Grilled haloumi cheese that gets all salty and delicious over the flames. And a rainbow of grilled veggies to keep things colourful and healthy…ish. Well one that will nourish your special time together.

Now, if you’re more into plants than beef, don’t worry. Kangaroo Ridge Retreat is in the food bowl of Melbourne! Therefore, our veggie options are so good, they might just convert a few carnivores. Think juicy portobello steaks, flavour-packed veggie kebabs that’ll make your mouth water. And for our vegan friends, we’ll rustle up some local specialties that’ll make you feel right at home with the BBQ.

We don’t just give you a bunch of food and send you on your way. Nope, we set you up with a top-notch grill in a spot with views that’ll make your jaw drop. And because we know good food deserves a good soundtrack, we’ve put together a killer playlist that changes with the seasons. Summer beats, autumn acoustics – we’ve got tunes to match your mood and the weather.

The best part? When you’re done at the Ridge, just pack up and roll on out. No need to worry about scrubbing the grill. We’ll take care of all that messy business. You just focus on rubbing your belly and reliving the best bites of the day.

Look, we know there are plenty of ways to spend an afternoon. But we reckon loading up on amazing local food, sticking on a retro vinyl record, and soaking in some of the best views around is pretty hard to beat. So why not give the Ridge BBQ a shot and add it to the Signature stay. If you opt for the Relax, Explore or even the Indulge stays it’s all package up for you.

Come hungry, settle in and get ready for a feed you won’t forget. Just don’t blame us if you end up coming back for seconds… or thirds.

See you real soon!

X Rebecca


Healesville VIC, Australia